Pipe Freezing, Hot Tapping & more
Pipe Freezing Services using liquid nitrogen makes it easier to carry out valve fittings and other general pipework modifications. For 30+ years we’ve offered the safest, cheapest and most effective method for temporary non-invasive pipework isolation.
Serving Commercial Businesses across London, Kent, Surrey, Essex, West Sussex and East Sussex.
The pipe freeze process is simple but effective. To isolate pipework, our team uses specialist equipment and Liquid Nitrogen to freeze the contents of the pipe in a controlled manner. This fast and efficient method allows for the repair of any pressurised pipework. As the pipe freeze holds back the fluid in the system, the pipework and its contents will freeze over time. This enables safe and quick repairs or replacements, such as installing a new butterfly valve or a hot tap.
No need to drain down the pipework system
What’s more, our skilled and experienced engineers will prevent the need to drain the system, saving valuable time and money while avoiding the costly process of refilling and venting.
We have carried out pipe freezing in many buildings on their Heating & Cooling and Mains Water Systems.
Read our Case Studies:
Pipe Freezing Services – 25+ Pipework Freezes & Isolation Valve Installations.
Hot Tapping Services – Installed Hot Taps on the flow and return CHW 65mm pipework
Valve Fitting Services – Gate Valves Replacements
Can we help you with?
Need Hot Taps fitted?
Looking to replace or install a new industrial Valve?
Require custom made pipes?
Get a quote now!
Call: 020 8302 7644
Email: info@idwe.co.uk
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