Reflection on 2023
A year of achievements, growth, and innovation for IDWe Ltd
As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s time to celebrate the remarkable milestones that have shaped our journey over the past year.
It has been a period marked by several valuable new clients to our portfolio, our commitment to excellence in completing 700+ projects, and delivering our appetite to progress.
1 year | 106+ clients | 700+ projects in 2023 | 25+ Skilled In-house Engineers | 1 Team
Let’s take a moment to recount our triumphs, key highlights from 2023 include:
- Electrical Services for the world-famous ‘Spirit of Christmas’ lights in Regent Street and St James’ neighbourhoods.
- Building Services, Pipe Freezing, Boiler Replacements, Air Conditioning units and more for the NHS
- Pipe Freezing Project at the BBC
- Gate Valves Replacement at The Royal Exchange
- Hot Taps Installed at PWC
- Track Lighting at The Royal Society
- Air Conditioning installed for a large unit at Pongees, Dartford
- External Lighting project at Barings, Old Bailey
- Water Main Alternations at Ashlyns School
- Valve Fitting Services at Westfield
And more,
>>> View all our case studies, click here
For IDWe Ltd, 2024 holds the promise of new opportunities, challenges, and accomplishments. Our team are motivated and ready to take on whatever the future may bring, guided by a shared vision of excellence, collaboration, and a commitment to making a positive difference for our clients.
We eagerly anticipate the exciting journey that lies ahead in 2024!
We offer services for electrical, mechanical, building, pipe freezing, HVAC and more. If you require a quote, please call 020 8302 7644 or email
IDWe Ltd provide services across London and the South East.
To view all of our services, please click here.
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